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Aspose.Imaging for .NET

제조사 Aspose
상품형식 ASP.NET WebForms / .NET WinForms / .NET Class

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(※ 프로모션 제품을 포함한 일부 제품 제외)

· 가격정보
제품명 판매가격
Aspose.Imaging for .NET V24.4  
1 Developer Small Business License 1,416,000
1 Developer OEM License 4,248,000
1 Site Small Business License 7,079,000
1 Site OEM License 19,819,000

· 상세설명

.NET 애플리케이션에 이미지 처리 기능을 추가하세요.

Aspose.Imaging for .NET은 개발자가 자신의 애플리케이션에서 이미지를 생성, 편집, 그리기 또는 변환하는 데 도움이 되는 클래스 라이브러리입니다. 여기에는 Photoshop이나 다른 이미지 편집기를 설치하지 않고도 Adobe Photoshop 기본 형식으로 저장할 수 있는 기능이 포함되어 있습니다. Aspose.Imaging for .NET은 DjVu, DICOM, WebP 및 DNG와 같은 일부 특수 형식과 함께 가장 일반적으로 사용되는 이미지 형식을 처리할 수 있는 유연하고 안정적인 API입니다. 또한 .NET 및 .NET Core에 대한 이미지 형식 및 이미지 처리 기능에 대한 기본 지원을 확장합니다.

· 라이선스 안내
Developer Small Business License - A Developer Small Business Subscription licenses one (1) developer to create an unlimited number of derived works using The Product. A Developer Subscription must be purchased for each developer utilizing The Product to create derived works. A Developer Small Business Subscription allows deployment of any number of derived works, not including Software as a Service ("SaaS"), utilizing The Product, to one (1) physical location. Includes free hot fixes for 1 year and free technical support for 1 year.

Developer OEM License - A Developer OEM Subscription licenses one (1) developer to create an unlimited number of derived works using The Product. A Developer OEM Subscription must be purchased for each developer utilizing The Product to create derived works. A Developer OEM Subscription allows royalty-free deployment of any number of derived works, including SaaS, utilizing The Product, to unlimited physical locations. Includes free hot fixes for 1 year and free technical support for 1 year.

Site Small Business License - A Site Small Business Subscription licenses up to ten (10) developers to create an unlimited number of derived works using The Product. A Site Small Business Subscription allows deployment of any number of derived works, not including SaaS, utilizing The Product, at up to ten (10) physical locations. Includes free hot fixes for 1 year and free technical support for 1 year.

Site OEM License - A Site OEM Subscription licenses up to ten (10) developers to create an unlimited number of derived works using The Product. A Site OEM Subscription allows royalty-free deployment of any number of derived works, including SaaS, utilizing The Product, to unlimited physical locations. Includes free hot fixes for 1 year and free technical support for 1 year.

· 호환성 정보


  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 2008 Server (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 2012 Server (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 2016 Server (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 2019 Server (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows Vista (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows XP (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 7 (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1 (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Windows 10 (x64, x86)

  • Microsoft Azure


  • Linux x64 (6, 7 ,27, 9, 8.7+, 18.04, 16.04, 14.04, 18, 17, 42.3+, 12 SP2+)

Component Type

  • .NET Class

  • .NET Core

Compatible Containers

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2011

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2003