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Chart FX 7 for Java
제조사 | Software FX |
상품형식 | Component/JavaBean/Java Class |
※ 더 저렴하게 구매하는 방법
하나! 회원으로 가입해서 할인가로 구매하기!
둘! 현금으로 구매해서 3% 추가할인 받기!
셋! 덱스트몰 배송비는 모두 무료!
(※ 프로모션 제품을 포함한 일부 제품 제외)
· 가격정보
제품명 | 판매가격 |
Chart FX 7 for Java | |
Full version License (1 Production Server, 1 Development License, 1 Test Server, Maps & Statistical Extension 및 Gauges, Unlimited CPU's 포함) | 5,450,000 |
Additional Production Server License | 3,633,000 |
Additional Test Server License | 1,415,000 |
· 상세설명
· 라이선스 안내
One License is required per Server (production or development)
The Full Version Includes: 1 Production Server, 1 Test/Development Server, Unlimited CPU's, Unlimited Designers and 1 Year Priority Support. .NET Client Components are Royalty-Free for Redistribution.
Please Note: This product requires an Internet connection to activate the retail version.