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Altova XMLSpy 2024 Professional Edition - Concurrent Users

제조사 Altova
상품형식 Application

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· 가격정보
제품명 판매가격
Altova XMLSpy 2024 Professional XML Editor - New Perpetual Licenses - Concurrent Users  
1 Concurrent Users 3,250,000
5 Concurrent Users 14,900,000
10 Concurrent Users 27,500,000
20 Concurrent Users 51,000,000
50 Concurrent Users 129,000,000
Altova XMLSpy 2024 Professional XML Editor - New Perpetual Licenses - Concurrent Users + SMP (1 year)  
1 Concurrent Users + SMP (1 year) 3,950,000
5 Concurrent Users + SMP (1 year) 19,770,000
10 Concurrent Users + SMP (1 year) 33,758,000
20 Concurrent Users + SMP (1 year) 63,857,000
50 Concurrent Users + SMP (1 year) 171,457,000

· 상세설명

Altova XMLSpy 고급 XML 응용프로그램을 생성하는  필요한 모든 능력을 제공하면서 비즈니스 요구와 업무 선호도에 가장 적합한 보기와 옵션을 이용해XML 작업이 가능할 정도로 충분히 유연합니다. XMLSpy 높은 품질의 표준 준수 XML 기반 응용프로그램을 이전보다 빠르게 개발할  있어 생산성을 높입니다그리고 시작에서 종료까지XML 개발 생산성을 높이도록 설계되었습니다.

Altova XMLSpy Professional Features 

XML Editing & validation

·            Validation & well-formedness checking

·            Integration with installed RaptorXML Servers for hyper-fast validation.

·            Text view with syntax coloring & code completion.

·            Grid view with code completion.

·            Authentic eForms view.

·            Browser view.

·            Project management with source control system support.

·            Find & replace across a project and/or multiple files.

·            XML differencing.

·            Embedding external files (e.g., images) in XML.

·            Multi-language spell checker.

·            XML viewer.

 XML Schema / DTD Tools

·            Support for XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1.

·            Graphical XML Schema Editor.

·            Sample instance generation from Schema/DTD.

·            DTD <=> XML Schema conversion.

·            Database schema <=> XML Schema conversion.

·            Schema/DTD generation from use cases.

·            Refactoring support for XML Schemas.

·            User-defined sample values for XML instance generation.

·            Fixed & customizable XML Schema documentation.

XSLT Tools

·            Support for XSLT 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.

·            XSLT editor.

·            XSLT Info window.

·            XSL Outline window.

·            XSLT debugger.

·            Support for Java, C#, JavaScript, VBScript in XSLT.


XPath Tools

·            Support for XPath 1.0, 2.0, and 3.1.

·            XPath Analyzer.

·            Intelligent XPath auto-completion.

·            XPath Debugger.

·            Automatic XPath generation for XML nodes.

·            XPath execution across a project and/or multiple files.

XQuery Tools

·            Support for XQuery 1.0 and 3.1.

·            XQuery Editor.

·            XQuery Update Facility Editor with results preview.

·            XQuery Debugger.

HTML & CSS Tools

·            HTML5, HTML4, & XHTML editor.

·            CSS3 & CSS2.1 editor.

JSON Tools

·            Support for JSON, JSON5, JSON Lines, JSON with Comments.

·            JSON Grid View.

·            JSON Editor.

·            JSON Schema Editor & Generator.

·            JSON Validator.

·            JSON <=> XML conversion.

·            XML Schema <=> JSON Schema conversion.

·            Transforming JSON with XPath, XSLT, and XQuery.

·            JSON Schema extensions for Microsoft Azure Resource Manager.

ZIP Archive Tools

·            Accessing, modifying, and editing files in ZIP archives.

·            Editing, validating, and previewing EPUB 2.x files.

Office 2007+ / OOXML Tools

·            Viewing & editing OOXML in Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

·            Transforming OOXML with XSLT.

·            Processing OOXML with XQuery.

XBRL Tools 

·            Integration with installed RaptorXML+XBRL Servers for hyper-fast validation.

Web Services Tools

·            HTTP Testing Window.

Automation Support

·            Scripting environment & forms editor.

·            OLE support.

·            ActiveX Control.

·            Command-line interface.

Global Resources

·            Configure / switch to multiple deployment environments.

·            Deep integration with MissionKit tools.

WMulti-purpose IDE Integration

·            Visual Studio® integration.

·            Eclipse integration.

· 라이선스 안내

사용자당 1 License가 필요합니다.


Installed-User: You may install and use one copy of the Software on any compatible PC up to the Permitted Number of computers. The Permitted Number of computers is determined when the license(s) are purchased.
Installed-User licenses are intended to be fixed and not concurrent. In other words, you cannot uninstall the Software on one machine in order to reinstall that license to a different machine and then uninstall and reinstall back to the original machine.


Concurrent User: You may install the Software on to "10" times the number of computers as specified by the Permitted Number of users in the license, provided that only the Permitted Number of users actually use the Software at the same time. The Permitted Number of concurrent users shall be delineated at such time as you elect to purchase the Software.
For example, if you purchase a "5" User Concurrent License, you may install the Software on up to "50" machines (Permitted Number of Users "5" multiplied by "10" = "50"). Although the Software maybe installed on up to "50" machines , only "5" users may use the Software at any given point in time (for this particular example).


Named User: You may install the Software on up to 5 compatible PC or workstations of which you are the primary user, thereby allowing you to switch from one computer to the other as necessary provided that only one instance of the Software will be used by you as the Named User at any given time. If you purchase multiple Named User licenses, each individual Named User will receive a separate license key code.

· 호환성 정보

Operating System for Deployment

- Windows 8.1

- Windows 8

- Windows Server 2012

- Windows 7

- Windows Server 2008

- Windows Vista

- Windows XP

- Windows Server 2003

- Windows 2000


Architecture of Product

- 32Bit

- 64Bit


Product Type

- Application


Built Using

- MFC V4.2 / V6.0


.NET Ready/Tested with .NET RCW

- Yes


Compatible Containers - Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

- Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003

- Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0

- Microsoft Visual Basic 2013

- Microsoft Visual Basic 2012

- Microsoft Visual Basic 2010

- Microsoft Visual Basic 2008

- Microsoft Visual Basic 2005

- Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003

- Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

- Microsoft Visual C++ 2012

- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

- Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003

- Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

- Microsoft Visual C# 2013

- Microsoft Visual C# 2012

- Microsoft Visual C# 2010

- Microsoft Visual C# 2008

- Microsoft Visual C# 2005

- Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003

- Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0

- Microsoft Office 2003

- Microsoft Office 2000

- Microsoft Access 2003

- Microsoft Access 2002

- Microsoft Access 2000

- Microsoft SQL Server 2000

- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

- Microsoft Outlook 2002

- Microsoft Outlook 2000

- Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5

- Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0

- Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0

- Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0

- Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0

- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0

- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0

- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5

- C++Builder 6

- C++Builder 5

- Delphi 7.0

- JBuilder 9

- JBuilder 8

- Oracle 9i JDeveloper

- .NET Framework 4.0

- .NET Framework 3.5

- .NET Framework 3.0

- .NET Framework 2.0

- .NET Framework 1.1

- WebLogic Workshop

- IBM DB2 8.x

- Eclipse V3.3

- Eclipse V3.1.2

- Eclipse V3.0


Product Class - Component Development Tools

- .NET Development Tool

- Component Building Tools



- English

- French

- German

- Italian

- Spanish

- Arabic

- Chinese Dialect(s)

- Hebrew

- Japanese

- Russian

- Unicode

- Double Byte Character Support